Saturday, August 30, 2014

All good things...

Today is tinged with sadness as our holiday comes to an end and we make our way back to the rainy UK.

Yesterday was our last day and despite the weather looking slightly murky we decided that the best way for us to spend the day was soaking up the last rays of sun.
Moules et frites is an absolute must for me when visiting France. On our last day we thought it was fitting to go out for lunch at Lac de Maubuisson to indulge in a French favourite. It was absolutely delicious.
The lake itself is so beautiful and a great alternative if you aren't a fan of the windswept beach. I personally love the lake due to it's calmness and serenity however, there are always lots of activities going on if you wish to join in.

Not having had one ice-cream at all this holiday, it only seemed right that we should treat ourselves. The range of flavours that they offer are incredible ranging from Kinder Bueno to salted caramel. I opted for Oreo flavour topped off with a huge serving of Chantilly cream which was heaven on a cone. We devoured our ice-creams whilst walking along the sand. Before I continue I feel it only right to point out that as my parents will testify, I am a very clumsy person. So, as we continued to walk, my scrumptious ice-cream decided to part company with the cone but with all the dexterity I could muster I managed to rescue my beloved Oreo delight from a sandy demise... however my skirt providing the safety blanket necessary.

However, today it's time to leave the gorgeous sun-drenched haven we know as Carcans and make our way back to the freezing cold UK. Making our way back to the airport I couldn't resist stopping as we left Carcans to take some photographs of this most beautiful wild flower meadow that we passed each time we entered the village.

It was now time to say 'au revoir' to our trusty little steed which had accompanied us on our journey courtesy of Europcar... Yes, it did have a dodgy interior colour scheme but it served us well and we are definitely going to miss it.

Checking-in brought the usual stresses and last minute panics. 'Do you have the camera?', 'Where's my wallet?'. Other than that it all went swimmingly... until we had to go through security. This is one thing about the airport that totally stresses me out. For some unknown reason, every time I go through security I have to triple check my bags for liquids or any other object that may prevent me from getting through as quickly and smoothly as possible meaning that I can then enjoy the freedom that duty free brings. Why is it that I always feel so guilty despite having done nothing wrong when confronted with a security guard and the 'body scanner'? I know it will be fine and mostly go through without any mishaps. However it would seem there are still some people who are completely ignorant of these security measures and how serious they are and today was no exception as an elderly couple provided the perfect example. 
This delightful geriatric couple who seemed completely oblivious of the requirement of modern day air travel had either never travelled before or were just plain stupid. I am a fairly nosey person so when I saw that there was a bit of a commotion going on I just had to take a closer look... I found the security man asking this elderly woman if she would open up her case as she had some liquids in her bag. 'Oh am I not allowed to take my wine home?' she innocently asked. When the man at security said 'Do you have any liquids on you ma'am?' did you not think.. 'Oh I have that bottle of wine or two in my bag!'. Okay fair enough if this was their first time travelling they may not have know that. but after this her husband then got pulled over and was asked to open his bag as the x-ray machine revealed some scissors... SCISSORS - are you serious!? 
Anyway after them moaning about how it was silly that they couldn't take their new bottle of wine and specially bought gardening scissors through security, I thought it would be okay once we were through to duty free.

After loosing all sense of smell due to spraying way too many perfumes in duty free it was time to go through passport control and get ready to board the plane. Being Speedy Boarders...check us out...allowed us to board the plane first. Being near the front we saw all the passengers get on the plane as they handed their boarding pass over to the air hostesses. Much to my dismay the elderly couple strutted on until they were stopped by the air hostess who asked to see their boarding passes - which we later found out were in their cabin bag suitcases. This entailed them having to forage through their bags to retrieve said passes in the mean time holding up the whole queue of passengers waiting to board the plane.

Arriving back to sunny... or should I say rain-drenched Bristol was all we needed to confirm to us that our holiday was firmly over. Despite this I still continued to wear my sunglasses on my head... well you've got to haven't you!

Thanks for reading,

Martha x

*All images unless stated are photographed and copyrighted by Martha Sanders


  1. Ooh looks amazing chummy! Can't believe you finally got a blog eeee! Meet up soon so we can do blog posts together! xxx

    1. Thanks chummy! Haha I know! Yess for sure! It's going to be amazing xxx
